Unlocking the Terrible Secrets of Lock Bumping

In recent years, lock bumping has become a serious security concern of homeowners all over the world. Once a shared method by locksmiths of the olden times, lock bumping has made its way into social media where people consume tutorials on how to open locks through a bump key.

A bump key is a modified tool designed to fit and open any lock, and can unlatch your door within seconds. It utilises the mechanical action of pins and ridges to make the lock loose, rendering most homes vulnerable to burglaries and home invasions.

The need for protection

Lock bumping is a genuine security threat that people should be worried about. While possession of lock picking equipment like bump keys is legal in Australia, individuals need a proper reason for having those tools. The best way to safeguard your home from criminals is to use high quality locks that are pick-resistant and provides protection against drilling.

The essence of prevention

Since combination locks, electronic locks, and magnetic locks have no springs, they are not affected by the mechanical manipulation of bump keys. Update your locks with those high-security locks for excellent protection. If you’re on a budget, you can change the spring tension in your lock to help reduce chances of bumping, or replace your springs with durable ones so it’s harder to disengage them using a bump key.

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