Protect Your Home from Lock Bumping

People generally feel safer with whatever little home security measures they have inside their house, as long as they have trusty locks protecting their main doors. However, the trend of using lock bumping, a mischievous way of using a specially-made key to gain entry to almost any house puts even this sense of security at risk. For your protection, here are some simple tips that you can do to prevent lock bumping.

Visit a Locksmith

Get a locksmith to examine your main doors’ lock mechanism, as the bumping technique only works for certain designs. You might want to upgrade to a better lock system, or you can have your locksmith install security measures that keeps your lock from being easily cracked open using the special bumping key.

Invest in Security Systems

Next, you should consider having additional security systems for your home. Set up security cameras, alarm systems, or you could even get a guard dog to protect your premises for you when you’re not around. If you have the money to spare, home access systems like fingerprint scanners also make excellent investments in home security.

Don’t Leave the House

— Figuratively, of course. One efficient way to ward off potential break-ins is to make it seem like someone is always inside the house, even when you’re away for an extended period. Having a neighbour regularly turn the lights on and off inside your house is a good place to start.

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