Tips on Reducing the Risk of Break-Ins

Burglaries are quite commonplace in populous or developing areas, which is why many people in these places choose to invest in reliable home security measures. However, aside from installing surveillance cameras, alarms, and other security equipment all over your house, there are certain steps that you can take to make sure that you don’t become another burglary statistic.

No Showboating

Don’t leave too many things unattended in your yard, especially things with value, like unchained bikes. These are overt invitations to burglars to come over when you’re not at home and maybe see if there are more loot around that can be swiped. You should also keep your valuables away from plain sight, thereby avoid placing valuable items near your windows.

Someone’s Home

Avoid giving the impression that your house is empty (even when it is), especially if you’ll be going away for a few days. Set up your lights so that it remotely turns on at night and off in the day (you don’t want to overspend on electricity you’re not really using). If you could, you can even ask a neighbour to help you do this.

Don’t Lose It

Keep your keys well. Never leave a spare key somewhere outside, this will only increase the risk of an effortless break-in. Moreover, if you happen to lose your home’s main entry door key, call in a locksmith to have the lock changed as soon as possible.

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